Quiz – Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. The statement of cash flows shows cash flows from operations, but not the buying or selling of fixed assets.
b. The statement of cash flows shows where the firm’s cash is located; it lists all banks and brokerage houses where cash is held.
c. The statement of cash flows shows cash flows from continuing operations but does not show the impacts of changes in working capital.
d. The statement of cash flows displays cash flows from operations and from borrowings (debt), but it does not reflect cash raised by the company by selling new stock (equity).
e. The statement of cash flows shows how much the firm’s cash--the total of currency, bank deposits, and short-term liquid securities increased or decreased during a given year.

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  • Search Terms: a. b. c. d. e. the (or a all and assets. bank banks borrowings, brokerage but buying by capital. cash cash--the changes common continuing correct? currency, decreased deposit. deposits, does during effects equivalents)--increased firm’s fixed flows following from given houses how in indeed, is it liquid listing located; much new not obtained of on operations operations, or provides reflect reflects securities selling short-term shows statement statements stock. the total where which working year.
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